Making Time for Pleasure: A Conversation with Amber J Lawson

Making Time for Pleasure: A Conversation with Amber J Lawson

Finding pleasure in a busy life requires intention and self-awareness. It means prioritizing our own needs and making time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. It's about exploring new experiences, connecting with others, and building a supportive community. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and pleasurable life amidst the busyness of everyday life. Joining us today is a powerhouse Amber J Lawson, a woman on fire, and a PhD in EQ facilitation. She's not just a coach; she's a visionary who has crafted a transformative process known as the SPARC system. for career mothers who are ready to break free from invisible societal and familial rules. Amber J has discovered a treasure trove of tools and experiences throughout her journey, and she's here to share how she distilled them into a signature approach. Get ready as she shares how to work those new muscles and be accountable to live this season of YOU!


00:05:04 Finding fulfillment beyond external success.

00:11:16 Slowing down to listen.

00:12:29 Slowing down for self-awareness.

00:24:20. Breakdowns can be blessings.

00:27:13 Importance of community and support.

00:35:55 Embrace menopause and sexual liberation.

00:39:07 Let go of societal timelines.


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Complimentary Sexual Satisfaction Session with Sugar

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Finding pleasure in a busy life.


Finding Pleasure in a Busy Life


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We often find ourselves constantly busy, juggling multiple responsibilities and commitments. But amidst the chaos, it's important to remember the importance of finding pleasure and making time for ourselves.


In a podcast transcript, the hosts discuss the concept of being busy and how it can sometimes consume our lives. They acknowledge the need for individuals to prioritize their pleasure and make time for themselves. The hosts even go on to invite listeners to reach out to them if they are ready to make more time for their pleasure.


The conversation takes an interesting turn when one of the hosts shares her experience of visiting a strip club with her husband. This light-hearted anecdote highlights the importance of finding pleasure in unconventional ways and exploring new experiences.


Later in the podcast, the hosts introduce their guest, Amber J Lawson, a visionary and coach who has created a transformative process known as the SPARC system. This system aims to ignite women's desires and help them thrive. The hosts express their excitement about collaborating with Amber and supporting her work.


Amber J shares her own journey and how she reached a point in her life where she questioned if there was more to it than what met the eye. Despite her successful career in the media industry, she felt a sense of emptiness and wondered if there was something missing.


The turning point for Amber J came when she found herself leaving the Oscars in a limousine with a client, on her way to a sex party. This unexpected experience made her reflect on her life and question if she was truly fulfilled. It was a moment of realization that there was more to life than just external success and achievements.


Amber J's story serves as a reminder that pleasure can be found in unexpected places and that it's essential to explore different avenues to find fulfillment. It's not just about being busy and achieving external goals; it's about taking the time to understand our desires and make room for pleasure in our lives.


Finding pleasure in a busy life requires intention and self-awareness. It means prioritizing our own needs and making time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. It may involve exploring new experiences, connecting with others, or simply taking time for self-care.


The podcast episode highlights the importance of connecting with others, especially women, and building a supportive community. It emphasizes the idea that women should lift each other up rather than seeing each other as competition. This sense of community and support can contribute to finding pleasure and fulfillment in life.


In conclusion, finding pleasure in a busy life is possible if we prioritize ourselves and make time for activities that bring us joy. It's about exploring new experiences, connecting with others, and building a supportive community. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and pleasurable life amidst the busyness of everyday life.


Slow down, listen, find stillness.


The podcast transcript emphasizes the importance of slowing down, listening, and finding stillness in our lives. In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the busyness and lose sight of ourselves. However, taking the time to slow down and listen to our inner voice can have a profound impact on our self-worth and overall well-being.


The podcast host shares her personal experience of being caught up in a hectic lifestyle, constantly striving for success and achievement. She was the only woman in the boardroom, trying to fit into a male-dominated corporate world. However, through her journey of self-discovery and participating in various leadership and personal development programs, she realized that something was missing.


She found herself yearning for true connection, vulnerability, and intimacy. This realization led her to explore programs like MITT and landmark, which helped her tap into her spirituality and embrace her femininity. Through these experiences, she discovered a sense of community and realized that she was not alone in her struggles.


The host also highlights the importance of finding support and companionship on our journey of self-discovery. She created a platform called "Woman on Fire" to bring other women along with her, encouraging them to embrace their true selves and not let societal expectations and invisible rules hinder their personal growth.


The conversation then shifts to the topic of self-worth. The host acknowledges that despite all the transformational work she had done, she still felt that something was missing. This realization led her to reflect on the concept of self-worth and how to identify what is missing in our lives.


She emphasizes the need to slow down and listen to ourselves. In a world filled with busyness and constant distractions, it is crucial to create moments of stillness where we can tune into our inner voice. By slowing down and being present, we can identify what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.


The podcast host also shares a personal anecdote about her conversation with a colleague. They realized that they were disconnected from their gut instincts and were forcing actions in their business. They recognized the need for stillness and taking a moment to reassess their approach.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of slowing down, listening, and finding stillness in our lives. It is in these moments of quiet reflection that we can truly connect with ourselves and discover what brings us joy and fulfillment. By prioritizing self-care and creating space for stillness, we can cultivate a sense of self-worth and lead more fulfilling lives.


Slowing down for self-awareness.


Slowing down for self-awareness is a concept that is often overlooked in our fast-paced society. We are constantly bombarded with distractions and demands that pull us in different directions, leaving little time for introspection and self-reflection. However, the podcast emphasizes that taking the time to slow down and listen to ourselves is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.


The podcast suggests that slowing down allows us to connect with our intuition and become more effective in our actions. By giving ourselves permission to take a break and engage in activities that bring us joy and stillness, we can gain clarity, clear our minds, and take committed action towards our goals. Whether it is through dancing, taking a bath, spending time in nature, or engaging in any other activity that brings us peace, these moments of slowing down can provide us with the clarity and stillness we need to make informed decisions and take meaningful action.


One powerful example highlighted in the podcast is the healing exercise of taking a bath. The speaker shares that she gets downloads and insights while in the shower because water acts as a conduit and puts her in a theta state, a state of deep relaxation and receptivity. This demonstrates that slowing down can have profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being, allowing us to tap into our creativity and intuition.


The podcast also touches on the societal programming that discourages us from slowing down. We are conditioned to believe that our value is tied to productivity and constantly being on the go. This is particularly true for women, who often feel the pressure to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. However, the podcast encourages us to challenge this mindset and prioritize our own well-being and self-care. It reminds us that our true value lies in honoring our truth and living a life that aligns with our authentic selves.


Slowing down for self-awareness requires self-awareness and a willingness to break free from the cycle of busyness. It involves actively choosing to create space for stillness and reflection in our lives. This may mean making changes and overhauling our lives to prioritize what truly matters to us. It requires us to be honest with ourselves and identify what brings us joy and fulfillment. This process may not be easy, but it is necessary for personal growth and living a happy, fulfilled life.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of slowing down, listening, and finding stillness in our lives. It is in these moments of quiet reflection that we can truly connect with ourselves and discover what brings us joy and fulfillment. By prioritizing self-care and creating space for stillness, we can cultivate a sense of self-worth and lead more fulfilling lives. Slowing down for self-awareness is not a luxury, but a necessity for personal growth and well-being.


Pleasure practice evolves with growth.


The podcast episode explores the concept of pleasure practice and how it evolves with growth. The hosts discuss the importance of self-care, self-discovery, and the role of pleasure in our lives. They emphasize the need to slow down, listen to our inner selves, and find stillness in order to truly connect with what brings us joy and fulfillment.


One of the key points made in the podcast is that pleasure practice is not a static concept. It is not something that remains the same throughout our lives. As we grow and evolve as individuals, our pleasure practice also evolves. What once brought us pleasure may no longer resonate with us, and it is important to recognize and honor that.


The hosts share personal experiences and insights to illustrate this point. They discuss how they have experienced shifts in their pleasure practices and how these shifts have been influenced by their spiritual and emotional growth. They acknowledge that it can be challenging to let go of old patterns and practices that no longer serve us, but they emphasize the importance of embracing change and allowing ourselves to explore new avenues of pleasure.


The podcast also touches on the idea that pleasure practice is not just about physical pleasure or sexual gratification. It is about finding joy and fulfillment in all aspects of our lives. This includes finding pleasure in our work, our relationships, and our personal growth journey. The hosts encourage listeners to prioritize self-care and create space for stillness in order to cultivate a sense of self-worth and lead more fulfilling lives.


Throughout the episode, the hosts highlight the importance of community and connection in our pleasure practice. They stress the need for support and understanding from others who can remind us of the importance of self-care and keep us accountable. They also discuss the value of vulnerability and being seen in our relationships, as it is through these connections that we can truly grow and evolve.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of slowing down, listening, and finding stillness in our lives. It is in these moments of quiet reflection that we can truly connect with ourselves and discover what brings us joy and fulfillment. By prioritizing self-care and creating space for stillness, we can cultivate a sense of self-worth and lead more fulfilling lives. Slowing down for self-awareness is not a luxury, but a necessity for personal growth and well-being.


Community is essential for healing.


The podcast also emphasizes the significance of community in the healing process. The hosts discuss their experiences with various communities and the transformative power of being witnessed and supported by others. They acknowledge that vulnerability is not always safe in the world we live in, but finding communities that create safe spaces can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.


One example of a powerful community experience mentioned in the podcast is a workshop called Grace. This workshop brought together women from different generations and provided a space for them to share and be heard without judgment. This experience challenged the belief that women are always in competition with each other and instead showed the healing power of community.


The hosts also discuss the importance of finding communities where all are welcome and nothing is turned away. These communities provide a safe space for individuals to express themselves authentically and share their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. By speaking their truth in a supportive environment, individuals can dissipate negative energy and realize that they are not alone in their experiences.


The podcast also touches on the idea of sister goddess activism, which promotes collaboration and support rather than competition. The hosts emphasize that there is enough to go around for everyone and that individuals can benefit from multiple programs or coaches. This mindset challenges the scarcity mentality and encourages a sense of abundance and collaboration within communities.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of community in the healing process. Finding communities that create safe spaces and provide support and understanding can be transformative and life-changing. Through these communities, individuals can find healing, connection, and a sense of belonging. Community is essential for healing as it allows individuals to be witnessed, supported, and accepted for who they truly are.


Embrace menopause and sexual liberation.


The podcast transcript emphasizes the need to embrace menopause and sexual liberation. The speaker discusses her personal experience with breast cancer and menopause, highlighting the importance of understanding and supporting women during this phase of life. She questions why menopause has been hidden and not openly discussed, and advocates for women to take control of their health and well-being during this chapter.


The speaker mentions that Gen X is poised to solve and out menopause, suggesting that this generation will bring about changes in how menopause is perceived and treated. She encourages women to prioritize their health by lifting weights and building their calcium, iron, and other mineral levels. By taking proactive steps to support their bodies, women can navigate menopause with greater ease.


Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the need for women to reclaim their voices and embrace their sexuality during menopause. She mentions that menopause is a time when the "shoulds" and societal expectations can be discarded, allowing women to live authentically and without inhibitions. This period is described as the "no fucks era," where women can prioritize their own desires and needs.


The speaker also discusses the importance of women's health tools that are specifically designed for menopause. She notes that many medications and treatments have been created by white cis men who may not fully understand the unique experiences and challenges faced by women during menopause. She advocates for embracing women's experiences and creating solutions that address their specific needs.


Additionally, the podcast touches on the topic of sexual liberation during menopause. The speaker mentions women who have gone through divorce and are experiencing a sexual revolution. She encourages women to explore their sexuality, set boundaries, and engage in experiences that allow them to discover their preferences and desires. The speaker shares her own experience with a nine-hour Shabari session, which she describes as spiritual, sacred, and sexy. She highlights the importance of understanding personal boundaries and preferences in order to have fulfilling sexual experiences.


In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of embracing menopause and sexual liberation. It emphasizes the need for open discussions about menopause and the support and understanding that women going through this phase of life require. By prioritizing their health, reclaiming their voices, and embracing their sexuality, women can navigate menopause with confidence and empowerment. The podcast encourages women to seek out communities and resources that provide support and understanding, allowing them to embrace this chapter of life fully.


Let go of patriarchal timelines.


The podcast episode titled "Let go of patriarchal timelines" addresses the societal pressures and expectations placed on women regarding relationships, marriage, and career. The hosts and guest speaker, Amber J. Lawson, discuss the importance of following one's own personal timeline and making choices that align with one's true desires and values.


The conversation begins by using the metaphor of a tree to illustrate the natural process of growth and change. Just as leaves fall from a tree, it is necessary for individuals to let go of certain aspects of their lives in order to create space for what comes next. Holding onto outdated beliefs or relationships that no longer serve us can hinder personal growth and potentially harm us, just as a tree can be harmed by holding onto dead leaves.


The discussion then shifts to the topic of marriage and the pressure society places on individuals to follow a predetermined timeline for getting married and starting a family. The guest speaker shares her personal experience of being engaged multiple times but ultimately realizing that those relationships were not her truth. She emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner voice and trusting oneself when making decisions about marriage or any other major life choices.


The hosts also share their own experiences and the shame they felt for not conforming to societal expectations. They highlight the fear that many women face regarding their biological clock and the pressure to have children by a certain age. However, they encourage listeners to reject these patriarchal timelines and embrace their own unique journeys and timelines.


The conversation concludes with the guest speaker, Amber J. Lawson, sharing her website and social media platforms where listeners can follow her and learn more about her work. She offers opportunities for speaking engagements, retreats, and experiential exercises aimed at helping individuals slow down, identify their true desires, and take committed action to live the lives they deserve.


In conclusion, the podcast episode "Let go of patriarchal timelines" encourages individuals, particularly women, to let go of societal expectations and embrace their own personal timelines. It emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner voice and making choices that align with one's true desires and values. By rejecting patriarchal timelines and societal pressures, individuals can live authentically and create the lives they deserve.